Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lock him up & eat him instead

Deputy Director General of Veterinary Services Department (VSD) Dr Ahmad Suhaimi Omar is NOT FIT TO BE A VET!!! He even said that he's thinking out of the box after a veterinarian question him at the forum! He has no empathy for animals, how can he be a vet???

Suggestion to consume strays shot down
by Meena L. Ramadas

PETALING JAYA (March 7, 2010): People with a penchant for exotic meat should be allowed to buy dogs from dog pounds for consumption, Veterinary Services Department (VSD) deputy director general Dr Ahmad Suhaimi Omar says.

Ahmad Suhaimi, who made the suggestion at a forum on effective animal pound management organised by the Petaling Jaya City Council’s Canine Advisory Team last week, said people who have no qualms about eating dog meat should be allowed to eat dogs kept in pounds.

“Do we have to keep the dogs at the pounds forever?” he asked. “They are animals, just like chickens or goats,” he added.

He said consuming dogs kept in pounds will help to check the number of strays at the pounds and help address any unmanageable increase of strays.

His suggestion sparked an outburst from a veterinarian who was among those attending the forum.

Without identifying herself, the vet, who appeared to be quite emotional, said: “About consuming dogs, the answer is simply no.”

She said as an animal lover, it was unimaginable to consume dogs and strays at that.

“I find the suggestion inhumane and cruel,” she said.

Ahmad Suhaimi responded by saying he too did not have the stomach to eat stray dogs, but as a veterinarian who is required to think clinically, it is important to consider all options when dealing with the issue of strays.

“I like to think outside the box,” he said with a laugh, which received some sniggers from those present.

Ahmad Suhaimi’s pitch, however, did not make the cut.

The forum made five recommendations for animal pound management.

This were that local councils should work with the veterinary department; local councils should cooperate with NGOs on catching strays; micro-chipping canines for easy ownership identification, educating pet owners and more stringent licensing laws.

A total of 12 local councils participated in the forum which was held in light of media reports last week about the appalling conditions at the Selayang Municipal Council’s (MPS) dog pound.

State executive councillor for health Dr Xavier Jayakumar, at a press conference earlier, said municipal councils have been instructed to maintain cleanliness at their pounds, and to work with the VSD. Officers in charge also have to treat sick animals and follow guidelines when euthanising them. -- theSun

Updated: 05:05PM Sun, 07 Mar 2010

9 Comment(s):

tokmoh said...

Welcome back to blogging hehe.

Stupid vet, like that also wanna announce... as if they won world driver's champion or what.

Pardon my indifference, if we look at the issue from their point of view, then we could also see why they have the stomach (literally)to consider to go ahead with the move. A commenter in the star's link from paul tan makes a rational observation:

"From an economic point of view, his suggestion does have merits. Stray dogs kept in the dog pounds are there forever (eating tax money all along the way), for they could not be released because of various reasons i.e rabies, history of violence towards people etc. In addition, there exists an increasing number of people with exotic taste, like foreign workers who came from countries in which dogs are just another food source, like Vietnam and Myanmar. They usually target stray dogs and to a lesser extent, pet dogs which ventured too near, to satisfy their diet for dog meat. Letting them buy strays instead of hunting down pet dogs could be the best option.

From an animal rights activist's view however, such action is a definite no-no. All pets have a long history of companionship with humans, and eating them at leisure could be considered just as cannibalistic as eating a fellow human. Letting those with exotic taste have their ways with the animals we considered man's best friends could lead to unpredictable results. If their whims are fulfilled, it may be soon before people with specific tastes for certain meat started to ask for more. What say you, if a foreign worker from the Papua regions (with a history of human cannibalism) started to ask for your thigh meat, and he have the rights by law to do so?"

I discussed this issue with my friend last night, he said Islam won't allow its muslim to sell meat they cannot eat. Haram. Well, duh... dogs are 'binatang haram' in Islam lol.

But to me, there are so much more dosa besar our govt commit, so what is collecting revenue for selling dog meat to them? Is not fitnah (slandering, tuduh tanpa bukti dengan niat yang jahat) the biggest sin in Islam, yet why so much fitnah by govt to the opposition?

In 2008, when pakatan just took over s'gor, they condemn pakatan for selling their soul to the chinese for that RM100m pig farm, but when govt want to sell dog meat, no massive protest despite this news is almost a week old edi.

Lalalala... the govt the rakyat chose...disgusting, yet, msians don't want to vote for pakatan bcuz anwar is a faggot (fakta atau fitnah?). what la =.=

Vincent said...

Yup I'm back but not sure for how long. I might disappear again if duty calls. =)

About the commentator's comment : Very well said indeed, it sums up just about everything.

What happened to the bash-a-dog issue? I think it happened a few years ago somewhere in S'gor where the local council was encouraging people to kill dogs by smashing their skulls. It was supposed to cut down the number of strays in the local neighborhood.

I rather they put those dogs which are locked up in pounds to sleep than to sell their meat.. Had one put to sleep because he was accused of having rabies..

Sigh.. politics in Malaysia never sleeps.. Even when Pakatan got S'gor, the other one still has power to hold official and legitimate protests.

tokmoh said...

I don't remember the part about smashing dog skulls, but killing stray dogs do sound like something the town councils would encourage, by whatever means possible (may not necessarily have to smash the skull).

Ah, what to do... those damn hypocrites. I've heard of stories of which the prophet Muhammad PBUH said a prostitute will go to heaven bcuz she tadah her hands with water to allow a dog to drink from it. That is THE PROPHET speaking, man. THE PROPHET those amm-nuuu fanboys love so much, they will protest macam beruk-beruk di jalan raya, burn Guan Eng effigy, call him anti-malay, communist etc just bcuz he cancelled THE PROPHET marching celebration.

Personally, I'm against the selling of dog meat due to the backlashes it may attract, but knowing the govt... what to do... terima saja lah... sapa suruh undi kerajaan bini najib... ni la kita dapat, ni yg kita nak... at least lagi bagus daripada undi gay sebagai pemimpin kita... kan?

Hmm... so in a sense... Msian voters think gays are more disgusting than selling dog meat? FFFFFFFUUUUU

Actually I'm quite annoyed by that animal lover too... all she did is say cannot eat dog meat cuz its cruel. SO?!?! Since she love those dogs so much, why don't she sponsor the town councils the expenses to maintain those stray dogs? Or the expenses to put the dogs to sleep? Talk is cheap la, she thinks the town councils are charity house aa?!?! And hasn't she been traveling or at least watch travel shows? Unimaginable to consume dog meat? Has she ever heard of a country called Korea? Vietnam? China? No? Tak pernah? prrrrffffftttt

Vincent said...

About the dog bashing spree, saw it in the newspapers and it caused quite an uproar in The Star's SMS received page.

The writings are just writings. It's up to men to interpret them. We may not know who's interpretation is right. And it is because of this mis-interpretations, wars happened, people slaughtered and enslaved..

About Guan Eng, I'm sure he has his own reasons for doing that. Better to have him than the ex, who's just a puppet..

Well, I don't know bout how your perception towards gays are.. But they are still human, they are like us, just that they are attracted to the people of the same sex, that's the ONLY difference. I have a gay friend (NOT PARTNER! haha) in uni here, he's a very nice guy even better than the straight ones who will turn their backs on you when the situation is unfavorable. My vote will go to the gay rather than the two-faced-backstabbers.

There's always two sides to a coin. Everything has it's pros n cons, sadly the animal lover did not see the cons. Any volunteers from SPCA willing to educate her on how much it costs to keep a centre like this running?

tokmoh said...

Oh, I'm fine with gays and pondan :) As you said, they're mostly more honest than the straight ones, which at times can be quite comforting to know (NOT in a romantic way hohoho).

But most people around here are a homophobic lot. Need someone to destroy their narrow perception. Like Hideyoshi Kinoshita <3

On cost matter, sad truth. In the real world, money is a very, VERY important deciding factor. It's pointless to talk about it, the only way to argue with it is through action. So, miss animal lover... gonna put her money where her mouth is?

Vincent said...

But sometimes they can be quite irritating especially pondans. Haha..

The homophobic lot should realize that they are now in the 21st century. Welcome to the future!

Hideyoshi Kinoshita?
"He is one of the rarely found people with ordinary minds in Class F, but because of that he's often pressured by his classmates. According to grandpa's words, he is owner of an unbelivable beauty, so much that he's often called a girl--but really, he is a fine man."

oh my... u sure u not reading hentai? u hentai!! hahahaha..

Miss animal lover should take up your challenge n be like the other miss animal lover who kept more than a dozen canines at her house.

tokmoh said...

Hehe, Baka Test (the series Hideyoshi is featured) is a comedy, though it does have some ecchi and gay elements.

Fuh, that animal lover very champion, but when that happens, normally their neighbours complain noisy pula =.=

Vincent said...

Careful though, some homophobic people might avoid u if they see u reading those sensitive scenes.. haha..

Haha.. Human are always greedy. Bila diberi betis, minta paha pula. Did I get it right? So an ideal animal lover who would put his/her money where his/her mouth is would be a millionaire who can afford a/a few/many ranch/aircraft hanger/ex military training ground/orchard/plantation to let the dogs run around.

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