Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Projekt Hamster

We often take things for granted. Everything around us seems to simple, but behind every one of those things lies an epic tale of blood and sweat.

Surfing the net is so much easier now with portable broadband. Anyone with a Internet connection can now get online. Click on a few buttons and that is it, you are connected to the rest of the world through fibre optic cables. Looking for info is also made much easier with the Internet.

The question here is have you ever thought how all those website or webpages are made? You have seen the 'the making of' countless movies and the manufacturing process of many everyday products through the discovery channel but how about your favourite hangout spot on the net? How was it made? Yes it may look clean and simple but trust me, behind that pretty face, there is lots of hideous and messy scars...

I was not getting enough sleep lately. The reason for this was Projekt Hamster. I'm really glad that I am done with it now. Projekt Hamster is actually my part of an assignment for the subject Webpage Design. My group decided to make a website about pets. 5 of the most popular pets were chosen by us for this assignment. They are dog, cat, fish, rabbit and hamster. There were 5 of us in the group and the hamster section was my responsibility.

Looks easy enough but here comes the hard part, no HTML editor was allowed. So we had to type all the codes by ourselves. The only best friend I had to get me through the night was the textbook. He stood by me all night and remind me of codes that I've forgotten. It was a long and arduous task. Some deprecated(phased-out) codes were still working and some codes that is still in use are not showing its effects. Firefox and Internet Explorer gave me different output. One would play the song I embedded into the site while the other refused. Typos and missing characters will make codes not appear and sometimes when you get it right, it still does not appear! Even the coolest person on Earth will get cranky when frustration and drowsiness meets.

Even after the website was done, the report still had to be written. I just finished writing it on Christmas morning. After finishing it I sent it over to CK who is still in Kampar for further checking, printing and handing-up. After that, the site still had to be uploaded. It was fully online and operational this morning.

The result of our tears, sweat & blood, I give you MyPetZone.

It might look amateurish but let me know what you think of it.
*There was no audio because the hosting site did not allow me to upload audio for copyright reasons.

4 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Icic.... so this is projekt hamster... no pics of Richard Hammond? lol.

Wow, I had nightmare doing my computing project in a-level using visual basic 6, which was supposed to be an easy to use software... I guess programming is just soooo not for me :P

Vincent said...

lol. Unfortunately not. Hmmm.. Should have secretly mount his picture somewhere in there.

Yea programming is kinda similar from what I've heard from my friends who's doing his foundation in science. A missing tag or '/' could spell disaster.

Greynovember said...

cool cool. a great attempt forward!

merry christmas!

Vincent said...

I just hope the marks is equal to the amount of effort poured in. lol.

Merry Christmas to u too! =)