Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Curry Chicken Bun!

Any of you out there who haven't tried the Kampar curry chicken bun? You have to try it! It's really good. I had it with my family when I went down to Kampar recently to settle my accomodation. It's worth every penny you are paying for it. Don't get me wrong, it's not expensive. It's just rightly priced. It's a jumbo looking bun with honey or some sweet tasting syrup whisked on top of it. The bun itself is packed with curry chicken. You have to eat the bun together with the curry! I tell you it's really that good!

I had it in Kam Ling Restaurant, Old Kampar Town. Other than the bun, they have other yummies too!

To Muslims, I don't think its Halal although it's chicken. I did not see the Halal logo anywhere in the restaurant. Sorry.

3 Comment(s):

TheJessicat said...


i tried it during my B.R.A.T'S trip. DAMNNNNNNNNNN NICE

kxin said...

ya i heard this bun b4 will definitely try!

Vincent said...

you MUST try it if you're ever in Kampar. KX you could have tried it when you went to Gua Tempurung. It's very near Kampar.