Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Saturday, May 09, 2009

TA1 - Epilogue

At last finals are over. At last another semester ends. At last my Foundation program is complete. At last I can proceed to my degree.

The bags were packed and I was ready to head back home. I was filled with relief as I am free now. I have all the time in the world now to do anything I feel like. I can continue playing my FFXII. I can play tag with my dog. I can DOTA all day long. However, this is not the only feeling I am experiencing.

As I sat in the car and started my journey back, the sense of relief began to fade as melancholy begins its dreaded march to my heart. I sat in the car quietly as memories of TA1 started to run through my mind. The moments we share together, both happy and sad. The assignments and presentations that we went through. The subjects we learnt. The lecturers and tutors who taught us, each of them with their own unique personality. The class trips. The yamcha sessions. The pictures we took. The laughter and hardship we share. The places we went together. All of it started to flash though my mind's eye, it was like sitting in front of a power point presentation slides, it was still so vivid, it was like it just happened yesterday.

In reality, 3 semesters had passed by. We have been TA1 for a year now. In the next semester, some of us will go our separate ways. Some of us will have a new goals. Some of us will have a new set of friends. Some of us will have a new lifestyle. Some of us will have different fashion sense. And maybe even some of us will have a new attitude. Whatever it is, I hope that all of us will still remain friends.

I was on the trunk road out of Kampar when I saw a grey Kenari went the other way. It reminded me of two friends who is going to leave Kampar campus to continue on with their degree. The last time I saw both of them was before I went for the battle in Finance. I spoke to one but I only exchanged glances with the other. A tinge of regret stained my soul as I regretted for not spending more time with the both of you.

I soon realised that it has been a wonderful year with you guys by my side, the only disappointment I have is not having a proper farewell. Again I hope we will remain friends forever. Good luck to all of you and do take care.

At last what is cooped up inside is released. At last thoughts are bounded by words. At last a year has ended. At last this post is done. At last every good thing must come to an end.

2 Comment(s):

kevin said...

how i would love to be young once more.

Vincent said...

Better appreciate your time now before you grow older. =)