Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Monday, April 06, 2009

Pyschotic Psychos @ Psychology Week

Three weeks ago, four tutorial groups organised a Psychology exhibition in Heritage Hall. It aims to enlighten the public on Abnormal Behaviour. Among the four, we are supposed to vote for our favourite one. I voted for this group, because of their creative way of disseminating information and making learning easier through experience. We were being led through a 'tunnel', along the journey, there are 'rooms' in which different everyday situations are acted out by them. The tour guide will also be the narrator who briefs you about what the person is doing in the situation and its causes.

The first room. The guy lying down on the floor is an 'accident victim'. Two of the girls there are 'passerby's who does nothing but look at the 'victim' who is groaning in pain. They call that the 'Passerby effect'.

Second room. The girl here who does yoga believes that being thin is being beautiful. She does yoga everyday and barely eats anything. I can't recall what situation I was in here.

Third room. The guy seen 'protesting' here has double personality. His 'normal self' is one shy and quiet guy. In this picture he is showing his violent half. The pic reminds me of HINDRAF.

Fourth room. The one with the apron is the 'mother' and two girls beside him are his 'daughters'. This situations shows that positive reinforcement is better than negative reinforcement. The 'mother' 'bribes' one of his 'daughters' to do housework while forces the other one to do his bidding. The one who was forced refuses to work. The one who was 'bribed' quickly completes her given tasks.

Fifth room. From left to right : The narrator, 'dog trainer' and 'dog'. This room teaches association. The 'dog' learns to associate the ring of the bell to incoming food/treat. Woof!

6th room. From left to right : The narrator, 'father' and 'son'. This one happens everyday and can be summarised in the peribahasa, bapa borek anak rintik. See the cigarette in the 'father's' and 'son's' hand? The 'son' learns how to smoke and whistle at girls from his 'father'. ~Smoking is good for health. lol.

Souvenirs me and my friends got from the exhibition.

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