Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April's Fool?

Tomorrow lecture class canceled.
Just know from WBLE.

This message came in the morning. I've just missed my morning tutorial because I forgot to set the alarm on my handphone. And so I replied :

Later Ms. Ching's class canceled?

A few minutes later, a reply came in. And it read :

You're stupid.
Happy April Fool.

What the??? I thought it was for real and was actually a lil excited and happy that I get to skip another class but this time, officially. Apalah.. Then off I went to lecture, cycling, in the burning afternoon sun, that threaten to microwave me alive if I don't get to campus on time.

7 Comment(s):

Name A Star said...

hey i sent it last night .. only one , most of them were fooled by me .

kevin said...

IMHO, i'm sorry to say this, but the sender is a retard.

its like telling your colleague the meeting for an important client has been canceled, just for one sided dry humor.

Name A Star said...

you're stepping my head !

desmun said...

haha.... u get fool by jemy zai....
Happy APril fool le....


Vincent said...

Well at least the second message did not follow up with the first intention. That's the ups and downs of April Fool day.. Happy belated-April Fool's day everyone and hopefully everyone gets out alive from it. =)

BenjieTan said...

that was weak as hell man.

Vincent said...

You're wicked Benjie. Later really kena bar then it's April Fool no more..