Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lunch @ Grand Kampar

When you have friends who always joke with you, you can't really trust what they say word for word. A dog might turn into a monkey. A treat may mean bananas. But something special happened yesterday. Something they don't usually do.. One of them, Mr Perry Puan, (Yes his surname is Puan, now stop laughing.) treated all 5 of us to lunch at Grand Kampar Hotel. You heard it right, the Grand Kampar Hotel. Unfortunately, we were still students and still had to depend on our parents for money. So it wasn't any lavish banquet. Nevertheless, it was still a treat from Mr Puan. We accepted it wholeheartedly.


As we enter the main door, the staffs standing there were giving us the 'You-don't-belong-here-stare'. We pay no attention to them and walked toward the cafe on the left. Mr Puan told the usher, "Set lunch, 5 persons" in a very boss-like manner. Soon we were being shown our seats and a bowl of sup and cups of tea were being served to us. We even joked that we were now at the same level with the lecturers as UTAR lecturers are known to stay in the rooms above and dine here. A few minutes later, our main meal came out from the kitchen one by one. I ordered 'Fish Fillet with Golden Butter'. It was actually butter fried fish and damn it was one of the best fish meat I've ever tasted in Kampar. Sorry no pictures were taken as I couldn't help wolfing down my fish. It was worth the whole RM5.


Mr Puan footed the bill before we left the place. I shall return to Grand Kampar Hotel for lunch. I hope the same great taste stays the same. I'm missing Penang food.

Our Ferraris', Lamborghinis' & Maseratis'

2 Comment(s):

Greynovember said...

omg. i cant believe you actually did that last pic.

Vincent said...

Haha. Yep n it was in front of the main entrance. 5 bicycles = 1 car.

Before we left on our bicycles, one of the guard actually walked towards us with that 'saya akan halu kamu' look on his face. We just rode off into the sunset. lol.