Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Goodbye February and hello March.
Goodbye sem break and hello 3rd Sem.
Goodbye GT2, D2 and hello books/lecture notes.
Goodbye Penang and hello Kampar.
Goodbye Futien and hello Scooby.
Goodbye air-con and hello ceiling fan.
Goodbye fats and hello gym.
Goodbye readers and hello bed bed.

3 Comment(s):

Greynovember said...

kampar really that bad no internet meh?

TheJessicat said...

Goodbye Penang and hello Kampar.
Ohmigod. u were in Pg the whole time?? Aiyaaa didnt ajak u to the Mardi Gras event that our gang went!! @_@

Goodbye Futien and hello Scooby.
er. he's dead? =(

Goodbye fats and hello gym.
Fat your head. there's nth but bones on you, lucky chap

Vincent said...

Kev : The line in Kampar is really bad. Sure they have broadband there but it feels like here when it's lagging the past few days.

Jess : Yala! Ishk... Abandoned.. lol..

Nope he's not dead, he's still running around. Scooby is another dog in Kampar, it really behaves like the Scooby in Scooby-doo. A cowardy dog.

My fats are hidden.. lol.