Big Black Book

bad ass book of doom? not quite yet...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Off with their heads!

You walk through the entrance, the gate staff tears a part off your ticket and inform you where your cinema hall is. You approach the food counter and order a box of popcorn and two Cokes. One for you and another one for your partner. Then you and your partner proceed to your cinema hall. As you walked into the hall, you take a couple of minutes to look for your seat. A few moments later, the whole hall turned dark. Image began appearing on the huge silver screen in front of you. Trailers of upcoming movies were shown. A few of them grab your interest while others look plain dumb. After watching trailers, your movie began. First you see the title of the movie. Let's take Ironman for example. Below those humongous letters, you see another smaller title. It looks different and awkward at times. It's written in some foreign language that doesn't make sense. Sub-titles! That's what I'm talking about. Can you imagine what was written below the main title Ironman? It was Orang Besi. I was like WTF? Can you just leave the title alone? Are we so illiterate until the whole movie has to be sub-titled? Even the main title of the movie is not spared!

Not only Ironman was victimised. Other big budget movies were wrecked with funny sounding sub-title and worse, wrong translation! It makes me wonder how our very own Film Censor Board (Lembaga Penapisan Filem) are qualified to censor films. They can't even translate some simple sentences. I'm very very disappointed.. Malaysia Boleh huh? Any foreigners who can read Bahasa Malaysia would see us as another undeveloped country (rather than a developing one). Suddenly tok moh's campaign against 'tidak apa' attitude appeared in my mind. Yes this is one example of the tidak apa attitude.

2 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...

"get the hell outta my face!"

"pergi neraka muka saya keluar!"

I cant rmb what movie it is tho but i was like ZOMFG

Vincent said...

Yes and it still goes on.. Movie after movie...